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The vision for TTT is to cultivate empathy among diverse community members through sincere and sustainable relationships. This is accomplished through honest discourse primarily focused on, but not limited to, racism.

Because participants come from varying political, religious and social vantage points filtered through their life experiences, one of the proven short term effects of TTT is stronger communal relationships across a variety of intersecting differences.

Considering that some lessons can never be taught; only learned; TTT participants share the sum of our respective experiences over a chosen subject transparently and agree to extend grace for someone’s else’s truth even when we disagree or find it uncomfortable to digest.
We do this to organically build a sustainable community that is acutely aware of and acknowledges our differences with an resolute commitment to building relationships across them. 

Aug 13, 2019

The question this week is a deceptively simple one: were the people who engaged in the slave trade Bad People?