Feb 18, 2020
The planned discussion this week is set aside for a more personal conversation about apologies, and letting emotions influence, but not control our arguments.
Feb 11, 2020
Today's discussion is centered around Golden Globes winner Awkwafina and cultural appropriation. The article discussed in the episode can be found here: https://madamenoire.com/1123791/awkwafina-black-stereotypes/
Feb 4, 2020
This week's episode concerns the ongoing impeachment proceedings, focusing more on how different people can interpret the events in very different ways, and how we can seek to bridge that cap.
Jan 28, 2020
TTTe returns, with a discussion about the Holidays and how we deal with our stressed relationships during the season.
Sep 3, 2019
In our last episode before the break, TTTe circles back around to the catalyst of Tiffany, Chip, and Dewitt's meeting and friendship, the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri.